A workshop on social entrepreneurship followed by a funding competition for members of non-profit, civil society organisation or independent media outlet in Armenia.
What: A workshop on social entrepreneurship followed by a funding competition
When & Where: Yerevan, Armenia – June 2020 (subject to change)
In light of the global coronavirus outbreak, it is possible that this event may have to be postponed or moved online. We will follow the situation and inform participants of any changes.
Organisers: The Prague Civil Society Centre and Impact Hub Yerevan
Languages: English and Armenian (participants will give their presentations in English and mentoring sessions will be held in Armenian)
Who: Up to 15 organisations will be chosen to participate.
What the programme is about
Are you a member of a non-profit, civil society organisation or independent media outlet in Armenia with an idea for a social business that can boost your sustainability? The Prague Civil Society Centre and Impact Hub Yerevan invite you to submit your idea and apply for a workshop on social entrepreneurship followed by a funding competition.
What to expect
The aim of the programme is to help civil society organisations working to promote democracy, human rights, rule of law, good governance and civic participation to develop a social business idea that will boost their sustainability. All kinds of non-profits, civic associations and independent media are also eligible to apply.
Participants will work with mentors to refine their business model and practice pitching it to potential investors. Following the workshop, selected participants can compete for a start-up funding for their social business idea from the Prague Civil Society Centre. Established social businesses connected to the aforementioned entities can apply for additional investment as well. Read about last year’s programme here.
Schedule: One day preparation meeting: mentors will present different methods for building a business model and discuss the principles of effective project and product management.
Workshop (3 days): In-depth, intensive mentoring on business models, storytelling and pitching techniques, presentation of pitches and feedback.
After the workshop: Based on the feedback received at the workshop, participants will submit proposals for their social business to the Prague Civil Society Centre in a funding competition.
Who should apply
Your organisation is encouraged to apply if:
- You have an idea for a social business that will contribute to the sustainability of your civil society organisation supporting social good or directly contribute to your social mission.
- You want to take your idea to the implementation stage. You want to learn more about social entrepreneurship from experts in the field.
- You are looking for a funding opportunity for your social business.
How to apply
Please only submit one application per organisation. Selected organisations can choose up to two representatives to participate in the programme. Fill in the application form by May 15, 2020.