How to Protect Almaty from Smog?

Application deadline: 
June 17, 2020

Kazakhstan’s former capital is wedged between various mountains, standing at 700m above sea level. This gives tourists and locals incredible views across the Trans-Ili Alatu, but creates a problem for a city of 1.7m inhabitants.

With georgraphic features not helping the city get rid of the vast quantities of emmissions it produces every day, the fumes collect in the city, with polluted air recirculating between the walls of mountains.

Gleb Ponomarev, an animator from the city used his two-months in Prague as one of our art residents to design a short video covering various imaginative ways to rid Almaty of smog. In doing so, he is helping to raise awareness of the issue among those who live and work in Almaty in a creative and memorable fashion.

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