
Here’s what’s been keeping us busy.

Tygodnik Powszechny: Digital Remedy for Social Media Algorithms

Our Central Europe Media Resilience Programme supported Poland’s weekly opinion magazine Tygodnik Powszechny with a grant and external data analytics expert to implement a digital strategy.

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Ukradené volby: Bělorusko čtyři roky poté

Prague Civil Society Centre a Knihovna Václava Havla Vás srdečně zvou na debatu a promítání ke čtvrtému výročí od potlačení masových protestů v Bělorusku.

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Open call: Leadership accelerator Grow2Gather

Are you ready to share your knowledge, learn from others and work for positive change in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia? We want to meet you!

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Innovation and cooperation: Unlocking the potential of the possible in times of war and repression

At a time of unprecedented threats to human rights and freedoms, more than 200 activists, journalists, tech experts, social entrepreneurs and academics rally in Prague for an annual get-together.

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On Air: Talking Decolonisation from Kazakhstan to Ukraine

Our pop-up podcast studio on the sidelines of Unlock 2023 provided a space for content creators and civic activists to share ideas.

In Kyrgyzstan, a decolonisation discourse emerges

Perizat Saitburkhan, a journalist from Kyrgyzstan and former Prague Civil Society Centre fellow, discusses decolonisation in her country.

Checkpoint Peace Interrogates Disinfo Narratives in Germany

Ukrainian activists in Berlin and Kyiv take on dystopic peace discourse with creative campaigning.

From a Lviv Bunker, Ukrainians Plan for their Country’s Future

Ukrainian civil society met in late September to discuss how Ukraine’s post-war recovery should look, even as air raid sirens warning of continued Russian attacks sounded above.

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