Innovation and cooperation: Unlocking the potential of the possible in times of war and repression

Application deadline: 
May 30, 2024

In a region marked by violence, escalating repression and closing civic space,
and where civil society and independent voices continue to be suppressed, cooperation and innovation remain of the utmost importance for democratic changemakers, thinkers and activists of all kinds. Connecting these courageous and inspirational people from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia with their peers from different countries, sharing experiences and networking in a safe space, away from pressures in their home countries, enables them to continue working in even the most closed and difficult environments where conditions are getting worse from year to year.

This year, over 200 activists, journalists, tech experts, social entrepreneurs and many more joined forces in Prague for two days of working for positive change in their home countries at Unlock Prague, the annual flagship event of the Prague Civil Society Centre, showcasing the latest trends and inspiring stories in activism, media and technology in the regions.

“Unlock is a place where people can really get inspired by innovative and creative approaches. And it is needed now more than ever with the war Ukraine. It is a moment to mobilize, support one another
and not to lose hope,” highlighted Rostislav Valvoda, the Executive Director of the Prague Civil Society Centre.

Two days of lectures and practical workshops touch on topics ranging from fundraising and communication to resistance to information warfare and the process of decolonisation in traditionally Russian-dominated cultural and economic spheres.

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