Videofication 1.0: как делать видеоконтент в Facebook, Instagram, YouTube и TikTok без бюджета

Application deadline: 
June 23, 2021

Создание видео для социальных сетей: 5 вебинаров о главном. (English below)

100 минутв день – средняя длительность просмотров онлайн-видео в 2021 году. Этотпоказатель стабильно растетгод от года, а во время пандемиипереключился в турбо-режим. Видео – самый потребляемый контент в социальных сетях исамый вовлекающий. В мире, где на YouTube заливается 300 часов видео каждуюминуту, активистам и НГО не так легко достучаться до своей аудитории. Но мызнаем, как.

Videofication 1.0 – серия вебинаров для всех, кто хочет разобраться в том, как создавать видеоконтент для соцсетей с бюджетом около нуля.Один общий вебинар о видео и четыре тематических о самых популярных платформах– в них всё, что вам нужно знать о вовлечении потенциальной аудитории ивзаимодействии с ней.

Всего за пятьвебинаров вы разберетесь с видео для Facebook, YouTube, Instagram и TikTok.Каждая лекция  – 60 минут (плюс полчасана вопросы).  


На вебинарах мы поговорим о:

- стримах

- вертикальном сторителлинге

- коротких и микро видео на смартфоне

- специфике алгоритмов каждой из платформ

- максимальных органических охватах


Стримыпройдут на FB-странице ПГЦ. Полное описание будетдоступно в FB-ивентекаждого вебинара. Расписание:

Вебинар 1: Принципы создания видео

30.06 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Лесь Якимчук

Вебинар 2: Facebook

7.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time) / 20.00 (Bishkek time)

Нуржамал Джанибекова

Вебинар 3: Instagram ( in English)

14.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Кесси Чо


Вебинар 4: TikTok

21.07 | 17.00(Kyiv time)

Ангелина Ломакина


Вебинар 5: YouTube

28.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Кирилл Евсеев

Мы с радостью вышлем вамписьмо-напоминание за час до каждой из трансляций. Регистрация не является обязательной,все эфиры проходят на страничке ПГЦ в реальном времени. Подписаться на напоминалку можно полинку (всего 5 вопросов).



Videofication 1.0

A webinar series on how to make video content for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok with minimal resources

The consumption of video content is growing from year to year and the pandemic has led to people watching an ever-increasing amount of video. In 2021 the average person is predicted to spend 100 min per day watching online videos, with Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok being the top platforms.

There are 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and Facebook videos get an average of 8 billion views per day. With this amount of video production and consumption, activists and NGOs might face a challenge getting their video noticed. Often times, great content is only viewed by a narrow circle, not reaching its potential in terms of reach and engagement.

Videofication 1.0 is a series of webinars for everyone who wants to know how to create video content for social media with minimal resources, use their engagement potential and gain impact through video storytelling.

Our mentors will provide an overview of new trends in video creation, and you’ll learn how to create engaging videos for Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok while building a consistent video strategy.  We’ll talk about live streaming, vertical storytelling, creating short videos with nothing but your smartphone. We’ll also dig into the particularities of each platform, how they use algorithms and how you can get the best organic reach to make your video stand out.

All webinars are open to the public and will air on our Facebook page. We are happy to send you a reminder letter one hour before each webinar. Just fill out this short registration form.

Webinar 1: Principles of Video Creation (in Russian)

When: 30.06 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Mentor: Les Yakymchuk

Les is the founder and executive producer at LINZA production, visual communications specialist, documentary director, creator of campaigns for Council of Europe, Transparency International, UA:Suspilne, Ukrainian Corporate Governance Academy, USAID and others.

Each social media platform requires a unique approach to video, but there are some universal principles. In this workshop you’ll learn visual storytelling, how to film with proper light, framing and acoustics, as well as video editing, music selection and using graphics. We’ll also talk about the dos and don’ts of cooperating with creative agencies, how to oversee the creative process and how to assess the results.


  • Preproduction and visual storytelling
  • Staging: setting the light, sound, frame; creating b-roll
  • Post-production: principles of video editing, music selection, creating supportive graphics.
  • Outsourcing video creation: dos and don’ts of cooperation with agencies, assigning technical tasks, supervising the creative process, assessing results.

Webinar 2: Facebook (in Russian)

When: 7.06 | 17.00 (Kyiv time); 20.00 (Bishkek time)

Mentor: Nurjamal Djanibekova

Nurzhamal Dzhanibekova is the co-founder of the Bashta media project, which publishes weekly video stories about outstanding people and unique phenomena in Kyrgyzstan. Previously she was an editor of the popular Kyrgyz media outlet Kloop, and has also published in Eurasianet

Facebook is constantly changing, offering new opportunities to engage with your audience. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, it is one of the best places for promoting your organization or project. On Facebook, posts with videos get the highest number of interactions, much higher than images or links. Over 85% of users watch video without sound.


  • Introduction to Facebook: audience, trends, types of video content
  • What drives engagement (structure, story, visuals)
  • caption videos
  • Facebook algorithms and promotion of video content
  • Assessing video performance

Webinar 3: Instagram (in English)

When: 14.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Mentor: Kassy Cho

Kassy is the founder and editor-in-chief of Almost, an Instagram-first media outlet telling world news stories for young people. Previously an audience development editor at QuickTake by Bloomberg and BuzzFeed News, she single-handedly made the @world Instagram, the fastest growing news account on the platform in 2018. She grew @world organically by more than 1,500%, from 50,000 followers to more than 785,000 followers, in just over a year.

Over 1 billion people use Instagram every month and about 500 million people use Instagram stories every day. According to statistics, people prefer casual and less-polished video shot on mobile. How-to tutorials perform better among other video content. Behind the scenes posts, interviews, news coverage are trending types of video content.


  • Introduction to the platform (trends, specifics of video content)
  • Instagram Live
  • Vertical storytelling
  • Lo-fi video

Webinar 4: TikTok (in Russian)

When: 21.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Mentor: Angelina Lomakina

Angelina Lomakina is the TikTok-editor of the Ukrainian publication Detector, which focuses on media education, and the author of a popular blog on media literacy. She previously worked as a social media manager with the Ukrainian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media networks, with over 1 billion monthly users. Its unique features make it an interesting platform for unconventional and creative content. There are drawbacks though, and we’ll discuss those too.


• How to get started with TikTok

• How to get your audience’s attention.

• How to generate off beat ideas, frame your message to resonate and create a story from your organisation’s campaigns.

Webinar 5: YouTube (in Russian)

When: 28.07 | 17.00 (Kyiv time)

Mentor: Kyrylo Yevseev

Kyrylo Yevseev is a Google-certified specialist in YouTube channel development and video advertising and the creator of the YouTube channel "How to Shoot a Video", which has over 100,000 subscribers. He develops YouTube channels for clients, including public organizations.

YouTube is one of the main platforms for video content with over 2 billion monthly users. It offers great opportunities for engaging with your audience and developing your brand.


  • How to develop your channel and engage with your audience
  • Tips & tricks (how to make your video easy to find in the algorithms
  • Finding a story and optimizing for YouTube, promotion
  • YouTube live and vlogging

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